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For integrating Sexuality within
Occupational Therapy

This resource guide has been carefully crafted for both occupational therapy students and practitioners, serving as an all-encompassing hub of resources aimed at incorporating sexuality-related occupations into occupational therapy education and practice.


Kindly note that this guide is non-exhaustive and updated on a quarterly basis. If you are an occupational therapist engaged in work or research concerning sexuality, or if you know a colleague who should be featured in this resource section, please write to me with all the relevant details and help the global communOT learn and grow together.


  1. OT After Dark

  2. Here To F*ck Spiders Podcast

  3. Disability After Dark 

  4. The Bedside

  5. Man Enough

  6. Safeword Podcast

  7. You Are Not Broken

  8. In Bed

  9. Bad In Bed

  10. Doing It! With Hannah Witton

  11. The Plug Podcast With Luna Matatas

  12. Sex And Psychology

  13. Better In Bed

  14. Freyja - Safety Is Sexy

  15. Lovers And Friends

  16. Sex With Emily

  17. Sex Ed With Tim 

  18. ReScript

  19. How I F*ck

  20. OTs In Pelvic Health

Social Media

  1. Hannah Daisy @makedaisychains

  2. Sakshi

  3. Apurupa @inapurupriate

  4. SexGen-OTOS  @sexgenotos

  5. Rina @doing.therapy

  6. Kathryn Ellis @dr_kates 

  7. Dev Neu @therainbowot

  8. Danielle Shea @therapelvic

  9. Danika @danika.pelvic.ot

  10. Sujata @pelvic.soul

  11. Lindsey Novakovic @spoonie_ot

  12. Ryan Lavalley @ryan_lavalley

  13. Breanne @sexuality_and_ot

  14. Karla @sextoalidad

  15. Jenn @enbyot

  16. Kayla @crashconsultingllc 

  17. The OT Network @theotnetwork

  18. K & JJ @otafterdark

  19. Life of a Perinatal OT @lifeofaperinatal

  20. Alysha Oorjitham @sexiselfcare_

  21. Lindsey Vestel @functionalpelvis

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